Academic Regulations
Students absent from any test are marked with "0". The instructor, however, may, give a second and last chance to those absent if he/she is convinced that their absence was justified. In such a case the instructor decides the date and time of the test and invigilates the test.
Final examinations are given in courses during a designated period of time at the end of each semester. Final examinations in courses may be given only at the time listed in the announcement issued each semester by the administration. Faculty members are not authorized to change the announced examination times. Such changes may only be authorized by the Director strictly for compelling reasons. Students are not permitted to take a final examination before the scheduled examination. However, they may be allowed to postpone a final examination until after the regular examination period, with the Academic Committee’s consent. In such a case the student must submit a request on a form, provided by the Academic Affairs Office. Students will take the examination on a date decided by the Academic Committee. Unexcused absence from a final examination results in an automatic grade of "F" in the course.
Students, who with the permission of the Academic Committee, take final exams on a date different from the one published in the official exams time schedule, should pay €35 (euro) as a late examination fee.
All final exam results are posted on the College notice board in accordance with the College Calendar and the exam time schedule. It is the responsibility of the students to find out whether they have failed a course.