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Student Rights, Responsibilities and Ethics


This section describes what the conduct of the College's students as members of the academic community should be like by outlining an extensive but not exhaustive list of both rights and the responsibilities these rights carry with them. Adherence to these helps promote an atmosphere conducive to learning and meaningful individual development.


Basic Student Rights


The students have the following basic rights:

  • Right to be not discriminated against or harassed as described in the relevant policies.

  • Of participation to the applicable Faculty Committees

  • To be informed about issues that concern the function, the structure and the goals of the School.

  • To attend classes as long as they have arranged their financial obligations towards the School.

  • To meet and discuss with their teachers for any problems they may have.

  • To sit for written exams provided they have arranged their financial obligations.

  • To get certifications from the School by submitting the corresponding fees.

  • To membership in the student union, to vote and be voted for freely in the bodies of the union and to choose their representatives for the School Board and committees.

  • To use the equipment of the School having obtained the permission of the administration. They should and must use the books and generally the library equipment during working hours or at other hours following a special arrangement.


Basic Student Responsibilities


The students have the following basic responsibilities:

  • To act in such a manner as to ensure other people their basic rights as declared herein.

  • To be responsible for any personal actions with respect to provisions of Cyprus law.

  • To be responsible for conduct, which helps to create and maintain an academic atmosphere in which the rights, dignity, and worth of every individual in the College community are respected.

  • To be responsible for paying all bills owed to the College in a timely fashion as prescribed by the College. Since registration is not complete until payment of all the tuition and all other fees are paid, students who fail to meet their financial obligations may have their registration cancelled; may be denied future registrations; and may have their grades and/or their transcripts withheld.

  • To show academic integrity and avoid behavior such as cheating in any form (copying, plagiarism, forgery, cooperation in falsification, etc.)

  • Attendance is compulsory and for each absence they must bring a written justification. They can ask to have their absences justified for a time period provided there is a justifiable reason (illness or other). The maximum allowable absence rate is 30%.

  • Examinations are compulsory for all students.

  • Students who are absent from a written or oral exam that has been scheduled in advanced due to illness or other serious reason, must justify their absence timely with a doctor’s or another proof document.

  • To respect school belongings and are responsible for any damage they cause.

  • It is strictly forbidden to smoke in the teaching rooms and in all the closed areas.

  • To be insured.

  • To notify the Registrar's Office of any changes in name, address or major. In case of a change of major the student must get approval from his/her advisor.


Confidentiality of Student Records

The College regards the student's academic record as a matter of confidence between the student and the College. The contents of the academic record may be revealed only after written permission of the student's parent/legal guardian. Faculty and administrative officers of the College, the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the student and government agencies may be provided with a student's transcript without their consent.



Students are expected to conduct themselves as civilized people, both within the College and elsewhere. For student conduct, which tends to discredit or injure the College, the disciplinary committee may impose such penalty, as it may deem appropriate, including expulsion from the College. When the penalty for bad conduct is expulsion, the student may appeal the decision to the College Council.


Standards of Conduct

The College of Tourism and Hotel Management is a community of mature, serious - minded and scholarly - oriented people, in which the ideals of freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, freedom of expression, and freedom of the individual are sustained.

It is committed to preserving the exercise of any right guaranteed to individuals by the Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus. It is evident that in a community of learning, willful disruption of the educational process, destruction of property, and interference with the orderly process of the College or with the rights of other members of the College cannot be tolerated. Students registered at the College are expected to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the College's function as an educational institution. To fulfill its function of imparting and gaining knowledge, the College retains power to maintain order within the College and to exclude those who are disruptive of the educational process.


Use of Alcohol and Drugs

The College does not condone the illegal or otherwise irresponsible use of alcohol and other drugs. It is the responsibility of every member of the College community to know the risks associated with their use and abuse. This responsibility obligates students to be aware of relevant College policies and government laws and to conduct themselves in accordance with these laws and policies.


One or more of the following sanctions for prohibited conduct may be imposed upon students, depending upon the gravity of the offence.


Admonition: An oral statement to a student that he or she is violating or has violated institution rules.

Warning: Notice, in writing, that continuation or repetition of conduct found wrongful, within a period of time stated in the warning, may be cause for more severe disciplinary action.

Disciplinary probation: Exclusion from participation in privileged or extracurricular activities for a period of time not exceeding two academic semesters.

Restitution: Reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property.

Suspension: Exclusion from classes and other privileges or activities or from the College for a definite period of time.

Suspension held in abeyance: Exclusion from classes and other privileges or activities or from the College for a definite period of time to be enforced, should another violation occur.

Expulsion: Termination of student status for any indefinite period. The condition of readmission, if any, shall be stated in the order of expulsion.


Withdrawal from College

Students wishing to withdraw from the College must file a “withdrawal form” at the Registrar’s Office. It is the student’s obligation to complete this final procedure.

Failure to do so leaves the student liable for all the current’s semester’s tuition and fees and will result in grades of “F” being assigned automatically to the student’s courses.

  • Probation - Suspension

Students may be placed on academic probation for failure to make satisfactory academic progress. This means that the student has failed three or more subjects at the end of a given semester.

If credit deficiencies are reproduced the following semester, the student concerned may be subject to academic suspension from the College. A suspended student may apply for readmission at the College after a calendar year. Applications for readmission must be made in writing to the Admissions Director.

Students who are readmitted after being suspended are considered to be on probation and must meet specified academic objectives, such as maintaining a C average. Failure to meet these objectives will result in a second academic suspension.

A second academic suspension is considered final.

  • Enforced Withdrawal

Students may be forced to withdraw from the College for habitual delinquency in class, habitual idleness or any other fault, which prevents the student from fulfilling the purpose implied by registration at the College. Grades of F (failure)will be allocated for each of the subjects in which the students were registered.

Students who have been forced to withdraw must apply for readmission in the same manner as a suspended student.

  • Voluntary Withdrawal

Students may withdraw from the College before the conclusion of a semester.

Grades of F (failure) will be allocated for each of the subjects in which the students were registered.

  • Dismissal

The College reserves the right to dismiss a student without making definite changes whenever, in the judgment of the Officers of the College, such action seems advisable. No tuition will be refunded for absence or dismissal from the College.

Academic Dishonesty – Plagiarism


In entering higher education, students commit themselves to a process of becoming recognized by society as having achieved a certain level of learning. A student who misleads society as to the authenticity of this achievement is academically dishonest not only to those on whom the deception is practiced, but also to him/herself. The dishonesty relates to the process of education in that the evidence on which society’s recognition is based has been obtained in an unethical manner, and to the outcome of education in that the level of achievement is based on a false claim.

The maintenance of fair and honest conduct is therefore an essential requirement of the system for assessing students’ learning and it is in theirs and the university’s interests that this should be the guiding principle at all times. Academic dishonesty is a serious offence and it is important that the duties and rights of all those involved with the assessment process be clearly defined and effectively publicized.


Academic dishonesty may be defined as any attempt by a student, or any attempt by an individual to aid a student, to gain an unfair advantage in any assessment (including an assessment of practice or an assessment in practice) by deception or fraudulent means.

Academic dishonesty may be exhibited in a number of ways of which the following are examples.

i. Aiding and abetting a student in any form of dishonest practice.

ii. Bribery: paying or offering inducements to another person to obtain or to attempt to obtain an unfair advantage.

iii. Calculator fraud: the use of unauthorized material stored in the memory of a programmable calculator with storage facilities.

iv. Collusion: the representation of a piece of unauthorized group work as the work of a single student.

v. Commissioning another person to complete an assignment which is then submitted as the student’s own work.

vi. Computer fraud: the use of the material which belongs to another person and which is stored on a hard or floppy disk without acknowledgement and or without the written permission of the owner.

vii. Duplication: the inclusion in coursework of any material which is identical or substantially similar to material which has already been submitted for any other assessment within the university or elsewhere (for example, the use of essay banks).

viii. False declarations made in order to receive special consideration by a board of examiners or to obtain extensions to deadlines or exemption from work.

ix. Falsification of data: the presentation of data, e.g. in laboratory reports, projects, clinical profiles, assessment portfolios, based on work purported to have been carried out by the student, but which have been invented by the student or altered, copied or obtained by unfair means.

x. Forgery: the falsification of signature(s) or documents related to certification or assessment.

xi. Misconduct in examinations or tests: behavior aimed at gaining an unfair advantage

xii. Taking unauthorized materials into an examination or test;

xiii. Obtaining an advance copy of an “unseen” written examination or test paper;

xiv. Communicating, or trying to communicate, in any way with another student during an examination or test;

xv. Copying from another student;

xvi. Leaving the examination or test venue to consult pre-hidden cribs/notes;

xvii. Removing any items of stationery or other materials from the examination or test venue without permission or contrary to instructions.

xviii. Impersonation: arranging or attempting to arrange for another person to take one’s place in an examination or test; or being a party to an impersonation.

xix. Plagiarism: the representation of another person’s work as one’s own or the use of another person’s work without acknowledgement, eg:


The direct importation into one’s work of more than a single phrase from another person’s work without the use of quotation marks and identification of the source;

Making a copy of all or part of another person’s work and presenting it as one’s own by failing to disclose the source;

Making extensive use of another person’s work, either by summarizing or paraphrasing it merely by changing a few words or altering the order of presentation, without acknowledgement, the use of the ideas of another person without acknowledgement of the source, or the submission or presentation of work as one’s own which is substantially the ideas or intellectual data of another.

Like cheating in an examination, plagiarism is a serious offence. Where there is evidence to suggest plagiarism, a formal process of enquiry may begin. If it is found that plagiarism has taken place a student may fail the piece of work concerned, and will not necessarily be permitted to resubmit it for a pass mark.

Plagiarism in a major piece of work at the final level of your course can result in a decision by the Disciplinary Committee that the Final Assessment Board will not award you an award, and such a decision has been taken in at least one recent case. If evidence of serious plagiarism comes to light after the Final Assessment Board has agreed final results, it is still possible to cancel the award.

All college students are expected to use other people’s ideas. You will use books and journals in the library, some assignments involve working collaboratively with others, and in some cases you may have access to other people’s work on computer disk or over a computer network. When undertaking a major assignment, you may sometimes legitimately make reference to similar projects undertaken by students on your own or another course in previous years. However, other people’s work must be used in a principled way, with due acknowledgement of authorship. Recognized standards of acknowledging the work of others will be discussed during your courses.

Where plagiarism is suspected, decisions on assessed work will be made only when the facts have been established. All serious cases may be considered by the Final Assessment Board, and reported to the Disciplinary Committee of the College.


It is the responsibility of staff to frame assessment requirements and procedures in a clear and unambiguous manner in the light of the guidelines. It is the responsibility of students to acquaint themselves with these guidelines and to act in accordance with them.


The Council of Europe Platform on Ethics, Transparency and Integrity in Education (ETINED), has published a glossary containing 135 definitions aimed at clarifying 76 terms related to ethics and integrity in education. To download the glossary, click here:


Plagiarism Detection Tools

Plagiarism detection is the process of locating instances of plagiarism within a work or document. The widespread use of computers and the advent of the Internet has made it easier to plagiarize the work of others. Most cases of plagiarism are found in academia, where documents are typically essays or reports. However, plagiarism can be found in virtually any field, including novels, scientific papers, art designs, and source code.


The main plagiarism detection tool used by our staff is Dupli Checker ( . The College has a paid subscription and gives the credentials (username and password) to teaching staff.


In addition to the above, the following plagiarism detection tools can also used by our staff, if they so choose:


2.            Plagiarism Detector

3.            Grammarly

4.            Plagtracker

5.            Anti-Plagiarism Software (

6.            Paper Rater

7.            Plagiarism Checker

8.            Plagium

9.            Viper Plagiarism Checker


Disciplinary Procedures

In the event that a student is suspected of committing a disciplinary violation:

- The instructor or another member of the faculty or a student may forward a report of the incident to the Chair of the Disciplinary Committee.

- The Disciplinary Committee members hear the case.

- Call the student(s) concerned, witnesses and other people who know of the incident, take minutes of the hearing.

- After deliberation they decide whether the allegation is upheld or not.

- If the allegation is upheld the Committee imposes an appropriate sanction depending upon the gravity of the offence.

Disciplinary Procedures for Plagiarism:

If a lecturer suspects that a piece of coursework has been plagiarized, the following procedure must be followed:

- The lecturer needs to inform the Chair of the Disciplinary Committee about the suspected plagiarism and provide all evidence;

- The Disciplinary Committee will examine the evidence and decide with the lecturer if the suspicion is reasonable and if the case needs to be investigated;

- Upon the consensus among the lecturer and the Disciplinary Committee members, a viva will be arranged within a reasonable period of time with the concerned student(s), the lecturer, and the Disciplinary Committee members being present;

- The lecturer will immediately inform the student(s) concerned about the suspicion of plagiarism and request them to attend the viva;

- During the viva, the student(s) concerned will need to prove their knowledge on the claimed piece of work as well as providing necessary references and notes upon request;

- Upon the completion of the viva, the lecturer and the Disciplinary Committee members will decide if the suspected plagiarism can be confirmed as well as the appropriate penalty.

- The suspicion is proven and the student(s) admit the offence;

- The suspicion cannot be directly proven and the student(s) admit the offence;

- The suspicion cannot be directly proven and the student(s) don’t admit the offence;

Disciplinary Policy

School disciplinary means the student is committed to follow the regulations of the School and obey the laws of the Republic of Cyprus. Offences, into which the student lapses, are examined by the course coordinator and if at a first glance there does not seem to be a major offence they are sent to the Director in order to be directed to the academic committee which deals with the cases of guilt by the student.

A student is considered to break the regulations of the School when they do not follow the aforementioned regulations or when:

  • Their behavior disrupts the lesson.

  • Their behavior causes problems to the School administration

  • They cause damage to the school belongings.

  • They refuse to leave the school premises when told so by any member of the academic or administration staff.

  • Their behavior burdens the function and the integrity of the School as well as the activities of the School members.

  • They do not comply with the code of conduct.


Depending on the nature and the degree of the infringement of disciplinary regulations a student can be imposed the following penalties by the disciplinary committee:

  • Compensation to the School

  • Partial suspension of their tuition (expulsion for a few hours or days from the School)

  • Permanent expulsion from School.


Students who have been permanently expelled from the School can in no case be accepted to the School again. The tuition fees and other expenses that have been paid up to that moment are not returned to the student.


College Policies on Student Contact and Ethics Anti-discrimination (Equality) Policy

The College of Tourism and Hotel Management (hereinafter the “College”) in compliance with article 28 of the Constitution, the Equal Treatment in Employment and Occupation Law of 2004 (Law 58(I)/2004) and the Persons with Disabilities Law of 2000 (127(I)/2000), adopts the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Policy (hereinafter the “Policy”).

The College of Tourism and Hotel Management is committed to fostering and maintaining an inclusive culture which promotes equality, values diversity and maintains a working, learning and social environment in which the rights and dignity of all its staff and students are respected.

We recognise that the broad range of experiences that a diverse staff and student body brings strengthens our research and enhances our teaching, and the College has an ethical obligation to continue to provide a diverse, inclusive, fair and open environment that allows everyone to develop both academically and vocationally.

The College embraces diversity amongst its members and seeks to achieve equity in the experience, progression and achievement of all students and staff through the implementation of transparent policies, practices and procedures and the provision of effective support.

It also seeks to promote awareness of equality. It is committed to a programme of action to support its equality policy and to monitor its effectiveness through the Ethics Committee procedures.

The College seeks to ensure that no member of its community is unlawfully discriminated against on the basis of age, disability, pregnancy, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation or any other factor.

In exercising its policies, practices, procedures and other functions, the College will have due regard to its duties under the relevant legislation.

In its efforts to promote and maintain equality, the College commits to:

  • Take appropriate steps to meet the particular needs of individuals where these are different from the needs of others, and work to eliminate any barriers to their success.

  • In respect of students, seek to attract and admit students of outstanding potential whatever their background, and work to ensure that teaching and assessment provide an equal opportunity for all students to achieve and demonstrate their full academic potential. Decisions on the admission of students will be based solely on the individual merits of each candidate and the application of selection criteria appropriate to the course of study.

  • In respect of staff, seek to ensure that entry into employment and progression within employment are determined solely by meritocratic criteria relating to their position / duties and support career development and progression and participation at all levels disregarding staff’s background and characteristics.


The College aims though inclusion, to foster an environment and institutional culture in which each member feels, and is, valued, listened to and respected, able to be themselves and empowered to participate fully in the life of the College. As such, it all of its members to treat each other with respect, courtesy and consideration and will not tolerate any form of unlawful discrimination, bullying or harassment (please refer to specific policy for more details). 

Freedom of expression and academic freedom, are protected both by law and by the College’s policies.

Scope - Application of the Equality Policy

This policy applies to all members of the College community, including:

  • Students

  • Members of academic and administrative staff (including contractors)

  • Academic visitors from other institutions

  • Visitors, including external persons or agencies using the College’s premises, facilities or services;

  • Applicants for study and employment, including offer holders.


All members of the College community are expected to act in accordance with this policy and to treat each other with respect at all times, and in all forms of communications, including online.

The policy is intended to cover behaviour in all conduct both on college premises, as well as in the course of college activity outside of College whether academic, sporting, social, cultural, or other. It also extents to stakeholders’ behaviour online such as on email communication and social media.

The policy is to be included on Student’s handbook, Lecturer’s handbook, and on the College’s website.


Harassment & Sexual Harassment Policy

Policy Overview


The College, in line with the Equal Treatment of Men and Women in Employment and Vocational Education Law of 2002 (205(I)/2002), has created the “Harassment and Sexual Harassment Policy” (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) aiming at preventing and combating “harassment” and “sexual harassment” in the community of the College. 


As such, the College prohibits of any form of harassment, sexual harassment and/or related retaliation in College employment, educational programs and activities, based upon an individual's age, disability, pregnancy, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation or any other factor, (hereinafter “protected characteristics”) so that all members of the community are treated at all times with dignity and respect. Accordingly, such harassment or sexual harassment, is prohibited and violates College policy and will not be tolerated. Furthermore, any form of retaliation against anyone who in good faith brings a charge of harassment or sexual harassment, supports an individual bringing a complaint, otherwise reports harassment or sexual harassment, or participates in an investigation under this policy, is prohibited by College policy and Cyprus law.


Policy Definitions


Unwelcome conduct: For purposes of this policy, conduct is considered "unwelcome" if, under

the totality of the circumstances it is (a) not solicited, i.e. there is no consent (see below) and (b) if it is regarded subjectively by the recipient as undesirable or offensive to a reasonable person (see below).


Consent: “Consent” is defined as clearly communicating agreement or permission to participate in sexual activity. The consenting individuals must act freely and voluntarily and have knowledge of the act involved. Such consent may be withdrawn at any time, without regard to the preceding activity. A current or previous relationship, or past consent, is not sufficient to constitute consent. Consent may not be inferred from silence or passivity. Consent is voluntary, affirmative and clear. Consent cannot be given when a person is incapacitated. Coercion, force, or threats invalidate consent.


Offensive to a reasonable person: It is considered as such when under the circumstances in question and, if not corrected, could interfere with an individual's academic or work performance or create or substantially contribute to an intimidating or hostile work, academic, or student living environment. In determining whether the alleged conduct constitutes discrimination or harassment under this policy, consideration of the incident will assess whether the alleged conduct is severe and/or pervasive based upon the totality of the circumstances. Factors considered include but are not limited to the nature and context of the conduct, the type, frequency, and duration of the conduct, the identity of and relationship between the parties, the degree to which the conduct affected the complainant, other students, staff and/or faculty and principles of academic freedom.




Harassment Overview and Definitions

Harassment: For purposes of this policy, the term "harassment" refers to conduct that meets all of the three criteria defined below:


• Is unwelcome as per the policy definitions.

• Directed by or related to a group’s or an individual's protected characteristics

• When either of the following conditions exist:


 - It is implicitly or explicitly suggested that submission to or rejection of the conduct will    be a factor in academic or employment decisions, evaluations, or permission to    participate in a College activity; or


- The conduct would be offensive to a reasonable person as per the policy definitions.


Examples of types of Harassment prohibited by this policy


• Verbal, such as harassing phone calls, jokes, slurs, epithets, anecdotes, or other derogatory statements directed to an individual’s or group of individuals’ protected characteristics

• Visual, through the use of writings, graffiti, e-mail, posters, objects, or symbols that ridicule or demean an individual’s or group of individuals’ protected characteristics

• Physical, such as unwanted touching, stalking, or impeding an individual's free movement on the basis of a protected characteristic.





Sexual Harassment Overview and Definitions


The College is committed to providing an environment which is free of sexual harassment in any form. The policy applies regardless of the gender of the alleged victim or of the alleged offending party and would include within its scope harassment directed to members of the same sex as well as harassment of members of the opposite sex.


Sexual harassment is a form of harassment and discrimination strictly prohibited under the College’s Equality Policy and Cyprus Law.


Sexual Harassment: For purposes of this Policy, the term "sexual harassment" refers to unwelcome (as per the policy definitions) conduct of a sexual nature (see below) when:


• It is implicitly or explicitly suggested that submission to or rejection of the conduct will be a factor in academic or employment decisions, evaluations, or permission to participate in a College activity; or

• The conduct would be offensive to a reasonable person as per the policy definitions.


Conduct of a Sexual Nature: This includes conduct that is verbal, visual, or physical. Conduct of a sexual nature may either be explicitly sexual or may involve conduct that derives its sexual nature from the circumstances in which the conduct occurs or when combined with other conduct that occurs in a sexual context.


Conduct does not need either to express any sexual desire or to be directed to a specific person and can include conduct that attempts to demean, control, or stereotype others on the basis of their sex.


Examples of types of Sexual Harassment prohibited by this policy

  • sexual jokes, innuendoes, slurs or sexually suggestive comments

  • sexually explicit or sexist statements or anecdotes or questions or statements about sexual activity

  • unwanted sexual advances, propositions, invitations, or other forms of pressure (either blatant or subtle) for sexual activity;

  • offensive touching, including engaging in unwanted hugging, patting, kissing, or brushing up against someone's body, or other inappropriate sexual touching

  • knowingly invading another's personal space in a sexually suggestive manner;

  • displaying sexually suggestive pictures, objects, posters, cartoons, or calendars

  • making sexual gestures;

  • sending suggestive or obscene notes or phone calls or e-mail.

  • sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, and sexual exploitation



This policy applies to all members of the College community, including:

  • Students

  • Members of academic and administrative staff (including contractors)

  • Academic visitors from other institutions

  • Visitors, including external persons or agencies using the College’s premises, facilities or services;

  • Applicants for study and employment, including offer holders.


The policy includes complaints of Harassment or Sexual Harassment against or by

  • Faculty and Staff

  • Students

  • Third Party


All members of the College community are expected to act in accordance with this policy and to treat each other with respect at all times, and in all forms of communications, including online.

The policy is intended to cover behaviour in all conduct both on college premises, as well as in the course of college activity outside of College whether academic, sporting, social, cultural, or other. It also extents to stakeholders’ behaviour online such as on email communication and social media.

The policy is included on Student’s handbook, Lecturer’s handbook, on the College’s website.



Standard of Proof


The standard of proof to find a violation of College policy is the preponderance of the evidence. This means that a decision of responsibility for a policy violation will be made on whether it is more likely than not that the respondent violated the policy based on the totality of information gathered during the investigation.


Reporting Complaints & Policy Violations


Any person who believes that they have been subjected to harassment, sexual harassment, or retaliation, or who feels they are aware of prohibited harassment, sexual harassment, or retaliation directed toward others should immediately report the circumstances to any member of the Ethics Committee of the College and employed by the College as described in 5.1. below.


The College requests that complaints be made in writing to assure the accuracy of the charge, although verbal complaints will also be accepted. While there is no time limit for reporting a complaint, reports of misconduct should be brought forward as soon as possible to enable the College and/or the authorities to respond and investigate the complaint.


As time passes, evidence may dissipate or become lost or unavailable or distorted, thereby making investigation, possible prosecution, disciplinary proceedings, or obtaining criminal/civil protective orders related to the incident more difficult. It is also strongly suggested by the college to preserve other evidence by saving text messages, instant messages, social networking pages, other communications, and keeping pictures, logs or other copies of documents if they have any that would be useful to College investigators and/or the authorities.


Where to Report


This section specifies the College staff responsible for responding to complaints of harassment, sexual harassment, or retaliation, i.e. the Ethics Committee of the College. 


Duty to Report


It is the duty and responsibility of every member of the faculty, staff, and administration to assure compliance with this policy by promptly reporting allegations of policy violations to the College's Ethics Committee. The College’s administration, faculty, staff, and students, are responsible for cooperating with College officials who investigate allegations of policy violations.

Students are also strongly encouraged to report any alleged violations of this policy as described above.



To the extent possible, the College will make a reasonable effort to conduct all proceedings related to harassment, sexual harassment or retaliation allegations in a manner which will protect the confidentiality and privacy interests of all parties.


Examples of situations where confidentiality cannot be maintained include circumstances when the College is required by law to disclose information, when disclosure is warranted by the College in order to protect the rights of others, or disclosure is necessary to facilitate legitimate College processes including investigation and resolution of harassment or sexual harassment allegations.


In addition to these efforts by the College, all parties to the alleged complaint should treat the matter under investigation with discretion and respect for the reputation of all parties involved.

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