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“Student-centered learning, teaching and assessment” organized by CYQAA

The College of Tourism & Hotel Management participated at a seminar entitled “Student-centered learning, teaching and assessment”.

The 2-day seminar (6th & 7th of September) was organized by The Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (CYQAA) in collaboration with Harvard University of Massachusetts and the University of St. Gallen of Switzerland.

There was a wide array of speakers from notable institutions presenting techniques aimed at placing students and their learning processes and outcomes at the center of the educational process with the purpose of supporting deeper learning, as well as presentations of relevant research findings with supporting evidence for the benefits gained by the use of such techniques for student learning, involvement, understanding and ultimately assimilation by learners.

The speakers included:

  • Dr Sabine Hoidn - the Head of the Student-Centered Learning Lab and Senior Lecturer in Management and Higher Education at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.

  • Dr Manja Klemenčič - award-winning Associate Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University.

  • Laura Winer - Director of Teaching and Learning Services (TLS) and Associate Professor in the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology at McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

  • Adam Finkelstein - Associate Director, Learning Environments (Physical and Digital) at Teaching and Learning Services at McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

  • Gohar Hovhannisyan - has served as Project & Policy Officer in the EUA Higher Education Policy Unit since early 2021. European Students’ Union (ESU)

  • Aleksandar Šušnjar - expert associate at the Centre for Quality Assurance and Enhancement at the University of Rijeka, European Students’ Union (ESU)

  • Dr. Aaron Kessler - Assistant Director, Learning Sciences and Teaching for Open Learning at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), US

  • Dr. Sean P. Robinson - Lecturer in the Department of Physics and Associate Director of the Helena Foundation Junior Lab at MIT.

  • Dr. Julie Schell - Assistant Vice Provost for Academic Technology at The University of Texas at Austin. She is also the Executive Director for Instructional Continuity, Innovation, and Accreditation in the College of Fine Arts.

  • Rachel Martin is a PhD candidate in Education at Washington University in St. Louis.

The delegation of the College of Tourism & Hotel Management in the event was made up of the Director of the school Mr. Savvas Adamides, the Academic Director and chair of the Quality Assurance Committee of the College Mr. Antonis Thrassou and Dr. Sotiris Hadjigeorgiou.

Taking this opportunity we would like to thank The Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (CYQAA) both for the invitation and the extremely useful insights gained and congratulate them on an immaculately organized event.

Further information regarding the seminar can be found on the below clickable links on the CYQAA’ s website.

Picture 1: Dr Manja Klemenčič - Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University.

Picture 2: Dr Sabine Hoidn- Head of the Student-Centered Learning Lab at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.

Picture 3: Professor Emeritus Mary Koutselini, University Of Cyprus, President of the CYQAA


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